Green Media News

Utilizing The Financial Industry to Fight Against Climate Change

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Clean Energy Capital identifies, permit, build, own and operate large scale renewable energy projects.

Alex Goodall, Founder & CEO at ‘CEC’ Clean Energy Capital, joins Green Media News to share his vision for utilizing the financial industry to fight against global warming. Clean Energy Capital identifies, permit, build, own and operate large scale renewable energy projects. They focus on supplying cheap, clean power to Large Power Users (LPU), helping to reduce the impact of Global Warming and Climate Change.

Alex Goodall, Founder & CEO at ‘CEC’ Clean Energy Capital

Alex, thank you for being here today. Tell us a little bit about you and your background:

Having been in the renewables industry for over 13 years, I am an experienced entrepreneur, having built and sold 2 business prior to founding clean energy capital. The first company was too SunEdison in the UK and the second was too Statkraft. I went on to head up their respective Solar divisions post acquisition. I am passionate about making a tangible difference in the fight against global warming. Proving it is possible to do something you love and make a living.

What is a fun fact about you?

I had to personally hand delivered 6 puppies when we couldn’t get our dog to the the vet in time! Having to give one of them CPR.

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today?

Governments and corporates aren’t acting on global warming, merely doing the bare minimum and providing lip service to appease the public. It is therefore up to us as individuals to drive and facilitate change through our actions. Setting up a renewable energy company to achieve this seemed the only real thing I could do to make a significant impact on global warming.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

Now that renewable energy (Wind and Solar) is well below grid parity, significantly cheaper than oil, gas and nuclear, without the requirement for subsidisation, there is no stopping its expansion. It is now a no-brainer for countries and corporates to go 100% renewable, it simply makes economic sense. I see Nuclear fusion and hydrogen coming on the scene, providing stable base-load and energy security, on a distributed basis to support wind and solar pv.

What can the average person do to make a difference?

The best way is either with your wallet or with your vote. To make a real difference Government’s and Corporates MUST act and stop blaming the individual. Therefore, we must pressure our Governments to act, if they don’t, vote them out! Pressure Corporations to act, if they don’t, don’t use their services/shop there!

Alex, thank you for sharing how you took it in your own hands to make a difference to fight against climate change.

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