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The Precipice of Life: Leadership and Personal Growth Insights from a Mountaineer’s Edge

Mountaineer, Philanthropist, and Real Estate Expert, Bo Parfet recently released his latest book, The Precipice of Life: Leadership and Personal Growth Insights from a Mountaineer’s Edge. Here, Parfet creates powerful connections between the experience, knowledge, and wisdom he gained while climbing the world’s tallest mountains––the Seven Summits––and circumstances in his personal and professional life.

“The more I came to know myself, especially through my expeditions, the more confident I became in business and in my relationships. I was experiencing more peace and less angst in my daily responsibilities,” explains Parfet.

Parfet shares stories from his expeditions and other areas of his life, including devastating life events that almost destroyed Parfet and everything and everyone close to him. These profound exempla show how adversity, challenges, and even failures can be overcome with a growth mindset, the support of close friends and colleagues, and surrender to a power higher than oneself.

Parfet guides his readers through a variety of themes, including:

o Curiosity and Commitment
o Falling is not Failing
o Grit, Risk, and Perseverance
o Leadership & Mentoring
o The Gift of Letting Go
o Claiming Happiness
o Success to Significance–-Leaving a Legacy, and more.

He also weaves the wisdom of thought leaders who have their own stories of growth and perseverance. Some of the people profiled within The Precipice of Life are Kenton Cool, Eric Weinhenmayer, April Rinne, Nate Klemp, Richard Wiese, Alison Levine, Doug Holladay, and many more.

Having tackled some of the world’s highest peaks, Parfet is currently the Managing Principal responsible for growth at DLP Capital, an innovative real estate solutions provider dedicated to tackling broad social issues and leading with courage.

Parfet is an active philanthropist and innovator in the area of social entrepreneurship. In 2004, in conjunction with Explorers Club, he established the Seven Summits Awards Program that rewards top students with grants to perform healthcare-related field research. In 2013, he founded Denali Venture Philanthropy to formally fuse his love of business with his desire to support positive change in the world.

A resident of Boulder, Colorado, he holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Michigan, an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Chicago’s Northwestern University, and a bachelor’s in Economics from Colorado State University. Raw, real, and humble –– The Precipice of Life is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper connection with themselves, enhanced relationships, and more impact and influence in the world.

Visit The Precipice of Life website to get a copy of the book and see Bo on his book tour.

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