Green Media News

The Future Of Solar Technology

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Going Green sits down with Scott Wallace, the CEO of Source Energy, to discuss how he got into the solar industry, and where he the future of solar technology heading.

Tell us a little bit about you and your background: 

Graduated from FSU Business School, had started a few companies in college and done research for emerging technologies, wrote a business plan for solar energy, came out to CA to sell solar for a doorknocking company and eventually learned the ropes to be able to build the company I had always envisioned.

I love meeting new people and finding ways to solve problems and connect to networks and keep pushing myself to reach big goals. Excited for what’s next!

Scott Wallace, the CEO of Source Energy

What is a fun fact about you?

I love flying planes and learning more about jets and military aircraft.

What was your motivation to get into this industry?

I studied parts of the solar industry in college, I was fascinated by the new technology and its future impact, and I love the main values with solar such as decentralization, sustainability, renewability, ownership, and control.

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today? 

We as a collective are becoming more aware of the impact we have on the planet and how we have become a dominant species. We have more information now than ever before which allows us to track data and understand trends and realize the consequence of our actions.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

More households having traditional solar, more options for people to have solar, new technologies that connect solar to devices, new materials and applications that transform how we can harness solar energy, an increased collaboration between all renewable energies.

What can the average person do to make a difference? 

Understand their personal energy usage and reach out to us to see what programs they can qualify for with solar, what things they can do to be more energy efficient, and continue having a positive outlook on making changes that benefit the environment.

What positive changes are you seeing?

Increased solar adoption, increased solar options for homeowners and businesses, increased panel wattage and inverter capacity and monitoring information and energy storage and ways to install.

Going Green wants to thank Scott for sharing his vision for the Future of solar technology.

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