Green Media News

Psychology and CleanTech with Sarah Hardwick

Sarah Hardwick is the founder of Zenzi Communiations, and CMO of Aptera.

Sarah Hardwick wears a lot of hats. We recently featured the EV company Aptera on Going Green, where Sarah acts as the CMO. In addition to that, Sarah is the CEO and Founder of Zenzi Communiations, a marketing agency that focuses on the psychology behind digital and traditional marketing. Going Green is excited to have the chance to talk to Sarah Hardwick about her experience working with Psychology and CleanTech.

Tell us about your background: 

Founder of Zenzi in 2002. Led wide-scale national consumer marketing programs for brands including Nestle, Chiquita, Fresh Express, Crystal Geyser, and many others. Acting Chief Marketing Officer at Aptera Motors launching the world’s most efficient vehicle.

What caused you to get into your industry? 

I started Zenzi to help companies adapt their communications strategy from traditional push messaging to better understand what customers want on a psychological level and create deeper, more profitable relationships.

Zenzi Communications combines traditional marketing with psychological profiles of ideal clients.

What trends are you seeing in your industry? 

One of the trends happening with the pandemic is that more people are making buying decisions based on their values. They are choosing to support companies they see as likeminded and who share their personal beliefs. This presents an opportunity for companies to share what they stand for and attract ideal customers who will become fans and advocates.

What is one Action Item for our listeners and viewers to take away from this conversation? 

Take the values survey (on Zenzi’s home page) or send it to your customers to find out what drives their behavior.

What is a fun fact about you? 

I grew up playing the drums.

Sarah is the CMO of Electric Vehicle company Aptera.

Where do you see your industry ten years from now? 

I see marketing personalized to the 1:1 level based on psychographic and behavioral data targeting.

Going Green wants to thank Sarah for taking the time to share her experience working with Psychology and CleanTech.

Our goal on Going Green is to bring you the latest in green technology advancements, while also giving you action items to takeaway and apply to your life. We focus a lot on energy, transportation, finance, and media. Sarah is an upcoming guest on the Going Green podcast, which will release the Friday after this article goes live. Going Green interviews leading experts in cleantech, sustainability, media, finance, and real estate on the Going Green podcast. Tune in and subscribe to the podcast on Apple or Spotify to listen to interviews with leading cleantech and sustainable experts.

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