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Political Economist Meets Social Entrepreneurship

Going Green had the opportunity to sit down with someone who is making big things happen in the social entrepreneurship and renewable energy space. David Casey, the Co-Founder of NuMondo, among other businesses. Let’s get to know David a little bit better.

Who is David Casey?

David Casey is a graduate of UC Berkeley in Political Economy of Industrial Societies, with concentrations in Global Poverty & Practice and Energy & Resources. David has lived and worked in seven countries in Latin America, where he has built an extensive network of connections to individuals and organizations.

His work has focused on marketing, social networks, experience design, and event production. He is the co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer of NuMundo, a platform that connects people and impact centers (land-based projects for regenerative living), encouraging resource sharing on the web and on the ground to catalyze planetary regeneration and individual transformation. With his strong vision and clear articulation and conviction, he is able to attract wide support from multiple sources in the form of donated labor, land, and financial capital.

Among other things, David is also the founder and co-producer of Cosmic Convergence, an annual gathering of art, music, tribal technology, education for conscious living, and Maya culture on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, and a co-founder of the NuSeed Gathering in Costa Rica. David successfully bridges the worlds of technology startups, permaculture, international development, and retreat and festival production.

David has publicly spoken in over 20 countries.

David, thanks for being here. So when it comes to your “job” what would you say you do.

Founder, entrepreneur, community builder, public speaker. I work from my laptop, and travel constantly (Asia, Africa, Europe, LatAm).

Tell us a little bit about you and your background: 

I catalyze ecosystems to engineer systemic change. I have co-founded four companies and helped scale another to 8 digits revenue. My work has centered around movement-building, and leveraging blockchain technology for socioeconomic transformation.

My current focus is redirecting flows of capital towards the regenerative economy of 2100, and addressing the tragedy of the commons inherent in the 21st century transnational economy. I have spoken publicly in over 20 countries on the future of work & living, sustainable development, decentralization and blockchain technology.

What is a fun fact about you?

I founded an outdoor festival for conscious living, Mayan indigenous culture, and electronic music in the autonomous tribal highland areas of Guatemala.

What was your motivation to get into this industry?

Making our planet livable and thriving for both humans and all other species that inhabit this planet for the next few centuries, and meeting others that I can collaborate with in this ambitious task.

Why do you think climate change/sustainability is such an important topic today? 

Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and most life on earth today.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

Most large businesses will be impact-focused and a part of the regenerative economy.

David Casey, public speaker and entrepreneur.

What can the average person do to make a difference? 

Vote with their dollar and boycott companies that behave badly (download buycott app), understand what a “negative externality” means in economics, decrease their carbon footprint.

What positive changes are you seeing?

Business is shifting, solar energy is exploding, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs are waking up, sacred plant medicine and indigenous ceremonial healing traditions are becoming mainstream.

Going Green wants to thank David for sharing his experience working in Social Entrepreneurship.

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