Green Media News

Navy Veteran Turned Yoga Entrepreneur

Going Green is based out of San Diego, and in San Diego you’ll quickly learn how small of a city it is (for having 1.42 million people). Rebecca and I lived in the same apartment complex, before she took off on an epic trip around the world. Rebecca took a few minutes to chat with us all the way from Bangkok, Thailand. After traveling around the world for the past 6.5 months, Rebecca has seen first hand the passion people around the world have for creating a more sustainable planet. We are excited to learn about her journey as a navy veteran turned yoga entrepreneur.

Hey Rebecca, thanks for chatting with us! First off, tell us a little bit about you:
I just completed six years active duty Navy, then bought a one way ticket and have spent the past 6.5 months traveling the world. I now am the owner of Oasis Yoga Studio.

What is a fun fact about you?
I have a 2 year old fur baby. A Schnoxie named Clover McGruff

What was your motivation to get into this industry?
Haven’t gotten “into” the industry yet, but environmental consciousness has always been a passion for mine.

Why do you think climate change/sustainability is such an important topic today? 
Traveling as much as I have, I’ve seen first-hand the impact of single-use plastic, crop burning, climate change, and other environmental and social issues. It’s my personal belief that education on topics, such as sustainability and climate change, is a vital first step that many people overlook. Having spent several months in third world countries, I’ve realized that people opt for convenience whenever possible. In cities with more Western influence, the locals have access to education on important topics, such as single-use plastic, and take action to reduce their environmental footprint. I think the “why” is pretty self explanatory.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?
Completely transformed. I believe that sustainability will become a standard in daily life, as well as in the corporate world. But it starts with first admitting there is a problem, then passionately pursuing every avenue to correct what we can.

What can the average person do to make a difference? Lead by example. A person’s Ripple of Impact is a theory I am deeply passionate about. By simply doing your part to minimize your environmental impact, you will educate and inspire others to do the same. For instance, having your own reusable straw, coffee cup, tumbler, eating utensils. While traveling, try to take public transportation when possible. Instead of flying, opt for the bus or train. Be conscious of the environmental and social impact of the products you use.

What positive changes are you seeing?
Passion. Among the backpacker community in general, nearly everybody I’ve talked to has been environmentally conscious and passionate about reducing their waste impact. I’ve seen a lot of bars and restaurants get rid of plastic straws, have signs posted reminding you to say no to plastic, or providing alternative material utensils and straws.

Thanks to Rebecca for sharing her story about her journey from Navy Veteran Turned Yoga Entrepreneur. To learn more about Oasis Yoga Studio, visit their website HERE.

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