Green Media News

International Green Technology Advancements

Bill Lauto speaking to students about Green advancements.

Going Green had the chance to meet Bill Lauto, the founder of Going True Green. Bill is a Publisher, Speaker, Environmental Scientist, Energy & Sustainability Consultant, Patent & Trademark Holder, dedicated to helping people and organizations pursue green technology advancements.

Industry You Work In & Company:

Under GoingTrueGreen services, I am the lead International Sustainability, Energy Consultant and Speaker. I am an Environmental Scientist, Sustainability Vanguard, Master Naturalist, Energy Auditor and Thermal Heating Certified, Citizen Preparedness Certified and Inventor. I hold U.S. Trademarks, Patents, and International Patents on environmental and energy saving related products.

Role In Company:

I am the founder and president of GoingTrueGreen. The services offer international collaboration and consulting in Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Going Green technologies, and strategies for using sustainable implementations to market and strengthen community outreach, public relations, and spark media interest.

How did you get involved in the sustainable industry?

The answer is mostly due to a lasting impression that was made on me by a television commercial I saw when very young. I will never forget the tear coming down the face of the actor who represented Native Americans after viewing the ways people littered upon the water and land from his canoe.

I was able to grasp the commercial’s meaning probably because I had just learned about the Iroquois Nation in school and other Native American Nations in Cub Scouts. Also during our summer vacation in a rural area of New York that year, my Dad and I worked together on several merit badge projects I had for Cub Scouts. For a Brooklyn kid to learn from his parents about respecting nature in the country, well that was more fun than any adventure I could dream up while exploring an abandoned apartment building in the city. I came to understand why and how our environment was so vital and respected by all Native Americans. An understanding sorely lacking in mainstream society.

Several years later we moved from Brooklyn and I had to write my first thesis paper for Mrs. Mayer, my tenth grade English teacher at John Glenn High School. She gave the class numerous topics that we could select from for our paper. I chose to write about pollution because of that commercial and additional encouragement from my father who was looking forward to me writing my first thesis much more than I. By the time I completed my high school thesis, I had a deeper understanding as to why that commercial was so appropriate and realized the symbolism of the thrown litter onto the Native American’s feet. I don’t know if this symbolism was intended, nevertheless, our environment wasn’t exclusive to being littered upon.

When attending St. John’s University for an Environmental Studies degree, I was enthralled by the gasoline shortage of 1979 and how our country’s economy was intertwined with our environment and energy supply. Thus, I realized the powerful connection between saving energy and saving Earth. Many class projects had two steps: Collect all the data and study all the facts of a specific situation or problem. Then develop a workable solution and implement it.

I thoroughly enjoyed the field trips and challenges created by Professor Nieter at St. John’s University. Collecting data and learning all the facts about a project became a personal challenge for me. However, I relished devising a solution, creating a better way and then proudly enjoying the improvements after implementation. I am still like that today. Let me collect the data, study the facts on a topic, and then find another way, a better way of doing something without sacrifice and with everyone as ONE team. Saying this, I do work hard to practice what I preach.

I find no better satisfaction than working together on developing a better way and then speaking about the work to bring a simple, yet powerful message to everyone. Just like the message spoken so clearly with one teardrop in a commercial so many years ago.

Collaboration between top scientists across various countries leads to advancing clean technology.

What trends are you seeing in your industry?

A continuation of “politicizing” our environment to make money for both extreme sides. 
Each side takes steps for the sake of money, not our environment. One side yells we are all doomed to make money and the other side claims there isn’t anything to worry about in order to protect money already made. Both sides lie by the process of omission! Thus, the misinformation increases and real solutions are not part of the equation.

What is one “Action Item” the viewers can take away from this conversation?

A goal to empower the “individual” on how to achieve the deepest green color possible by becoming educated and committed within their own budget of time and money. Only then can we say that we didn’t squander our children’s tomorrow here on Earth. 

We are the solution to a better tomorrow. By living a more “sustainable life” we will save Money, Health, Energy, and Earth without making any sacrifices! But we MUST work as a Team toward good Environmental Stewardship! I have no electric bill and what I have done is not rocket science. Facts, trade secrets and encouraging support, is what the world needs. The Blame game must end. We must stop looking for a solution from a politician, corporation, political party or celebrity and make the difference ourselves.

Thank you Bill, for taking the time and sharing your experience with international collaboration and how it leads to green technology advancements.

Our goal on Going Green is to bring you the latest in green technology advancements, while also giving you action items to takeaway and apply to your life. We focus a lot on energy, transportation, finance, and media.

Bill is an upcoming guest on the Going Green podcast. Going Green interviews leading experts in cleantech, sustainability, media, finance, and real estate on the Going Green podcast. Tune in and subscribe to the podcast on Apple or Spotify to listen to interviews with leading cleantech and sustainable experts.

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