Green Media News

Do Your Part and Commit to Improving Climate Change

Lena Jackson, Founder and President of the Resume Fix

Green.Org sat down with Lena Jackson, Founder and President of the Resume Fix, who believes every person has an opportunity to “do their part” and commit to improving climate change. Lena founded the Resume Fix which is a boutique resume writing and career coaching agency with a commitment to empowering individuals and optimizing the job search process. ?She is a Resume Writer and Career Coach with 10+ years of experience who loves to help individuals from all walks of life, professions, and industries. Lena specializes in helping people draft creative, keyword optimized and effective resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles.

Lena, thank you for being here. Tell us a little bit about you and your background: 

I am a Certified Professional Resume Writer and Career Coach with a background in leadership and Human Resources.

What is a fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me is my fondest childhood memory – my first grade teacher presented me with a blank book and told me I could be a writer one day. That experience has always stuck with me and has turned out to be true!

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today?

Climate change and sustainability are important because these topics will help us prepare for the future – the entire planet is impacted. By changing our habits, we can protect the Earth, our health and our very existence as humans.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

Ten years from now I see continuous evolution in the career services industry. I envision an increase in AI technology and advanced automation strategies applied to job application and hiring processes.

What can the average person do to make a difference?

The average person can make a commitment to do their part. It is that simple. Small changes like recycling and driving less can go a long way towards improving climate change and sustainability.

Lena, thank you for being here today. We appreciate you sharing your background in career counseling.

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