Green Media News

High-Quality Water and Wastewater treatment in India

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Green Media News sat down with Abdul Rahman Mohammad, founder of Sahara Industry, to learn how they are emerging as a leader in providing advanced, high-quality water and wastewater treatments in India.

Abdul, thank you for being here. Tell us a little bit about your background.

With a background in marketing and finance, I am leading Sahara Industry as the CEO. We are a prominent manufacturer and provider of advanced, high-quality water and wastewater treatment solutions in India. Employing a fusion of contemporary business tactics, technological advancements, and guided by principles and commitment, we have driven innovation in our companies to achieve remarkable growth, surpassing a turnover of INR 1200 million. With a visionary approach and expertise, we have established our company as a leader in the water treatment industry, delivering efficient and effective solutions to meet the evolving needs of the water market.

Abdul Rahman Mohammad, founder of Sahara Industry

What would you do with $1 billion dollars?

For me investing $1 billion in green and clean technology is very significant. It will have positive impact on addressing environmental challenges and advancing sustainability goals of our country. The specific actions and projects that can be undertaken with this funding will depend on various factors, including the priorities of the sector.

My priorities will be to invest it in technologies that reduce water pollution, such as zero liquid discharge systems for industries and full use of reclaimed water for manufacturing purposes. Improving water treatment and purification systems will be focus areas to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water to all. Develop strategies and technologies to adapt to the impacts of climate change, such as resilient infrastructure and flood protection measures will be significant.

Why do you think sustainability is such an important topic today?

Sustainability has become an important topic today because it offers a comprehensive framework for addressing current and emerging global challenges, including environmental degradation, climate change, resource scarcity, and social inequality. The uncontrolled use of resources and human activities, have led to significant environmental issues, such as climate change, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, air, water and soil pollution, and fast depletion of natural resources. The natural resources scarcity and the urgency of addressing climate change have never been so intense. Sustainability addresses these concerns by promoting practices that focuses on responsible resource management with economic stability and environmental resilience. It also addresses the social inequality with focus on reducing poverty, promoting equitable access to resources and addressing social injustices. It seeks to ensure that all individuals and communities have the opportunity to thrive in an equal level in a sustainable world.

What do you envision your industry looking like in ten years?

A market analysis report predicted that Indian water treatment market, which was USD 2.78 billion (INR 23,115 Crore) in 2022, would rocket up to USD 5.59 billion (INR 46,486 Crore) by 2030, at a CAGR of 9.10% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2030. This predicted increase is mainly due to increasing population and demand for the finished goods in the country which raises the consumption of water by several industrial segments for the manufacturing of goods.

I can foresee the improvements in water services by water utilities and companies like us in the market, where we have the exhaustive information on a portal that we can access with mobile phones remotely at any given time. It will enable us to interact on real-time basis to understand the situation and are able to preserve this valuable resource, essential for the human survival. With modern and advance manufacturing facilities and pursuit of constant innovation, Sahara Industry is well-placed to serve the growing demand of quality water treatment equipment and processes for both drinking water and industrial use purposes in the coming decade.

Abdul, thank you for sharing what you and Saraha Industry are doing for providing advanced, high-quality water and wastewater treatments in India.

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