Green Media News

Generational Wealth and Sustainability

generational wealth and sustainability.

When it comes to thinking and living sustainably, this is often thought of in long term concepts and time frames. Very rarely are people able to make sustainable lifestyle and business changes overnight. Because of these long term goals, it allows us to not only think about our generation becoming more sustainable, but also what it will look like for our children, and our children’s children. Going Green had the chance to learn more about Lina Constantinovici, and her vision of generational wealth and sustainability.

Lina Constantinovici is the Founder and Executive Director of Innovation 4.4. Innovation 4.4 accelerates the commercialization & deployment of strategically selected and vetted water, energy, health, materials science and space technology most critical to achieve the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

How did you get involved in the sustainable industry?

After having a front row seat to the dot boom and bust in Silicon Valley, I spent some time thinking about how unsustainable many of our systems are and wanted to integrate more closely who I am in the world with what I do. This exploration brought me to a mid-career MBA in sustainable management and launched the impact-focused career I’ve built in the past 15 years. My passion is building specific solutions that shift macro economic systems dynamics towards more optimal outcomes, ones that created a world aligned with nature that works for all.

Lina Constantinovici, the Founder of Innovation 4.4

What trends are you seeing in your industry?

Generational wealth transfer and its implications for capital markets and funding innovation, materials science innovation towards a non-toxic non-polluting ethical labor diverse leadership production and manufacturing system, oceans solutions, activist hedge funds as a financial instrument for evolving capital markets, what it takes to innovate and minimize unintended consequences, family office investing and philanthropy for impact, UNSDGs as principles for innovation and investing, etc.

What is one “Action Item” the viewers can take away from this conversation?

Everyone has agency to participate in making the world a better place: by being curious, by making different purchasing decisions, by voting, by investing differently, by educating other.

Thank you Lina for taking the time to share your story and teaching us more about generational wealth and sustainability.

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