Green Media News

The Expansion of Technological Innovation for a Sustainable Future

We spoke to Freddie Eastham, product lead at Bonnet and the founder of Easthouse about the exciting potential for the expansion of sustainable technology in the future.

Tell us a little bit about you and your background?

I am a Product Lead at Bonnet and the Founder of Easthouse – both prominent businesses in the software/ e-mobility sector. Prior to starting at Bonnet, I worked for notable challengers Andersen EV and Octopus EV and helped them setup best in class propositions in their respective sectors.

What is a fun fact about you?

I’m half German! I speak it fluently since my mum is fully German.

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today?

This is hopefully a question that most people can answer for themselves but I’ll go ahead and state the obvious – if we don’t change how we use the resources on this planet, there won’t be a ‘today’ for anyone in ~ 50 years time

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

I can’t say what technology will be prevalent – who knows what will come out next from the brains of some of the genius’ in the sector – but I can say it will be a dominant, mass market force with a wealth of exciting innovation.

Photo by ready made on

What can the average person do to make a difference? 

Cut out beef & lamb. I did it at the beginning of the year and it was the easiest, cheapest thing to do that genuinely has a huge impact of CO2 emissions and land use across the planet.

Thanks for speaking to Green.Org Freddie. It was great to hear your thoughts on the future of your industry.

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