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Climate Change & Artificial Intelligence

Going Green had the opportunity to sit down with Himanshu Gupta, CEO & Co-Founder of ClimateAI, to learn more about his vision for the future of Artificial Intelligence, and how it will effect climate change. Let’s get to know Himanshu a bit more.

What industry do you work in and what is your company name?

Climate Change and Agriculture resilience, ClimateAi

What is your role in the company?

CEO and Founder

How did you get involved in the Climate Change and Renewable Energy?

I have spent 13 years working in the field of Climate Change in both developing economy- India-in Prime Minister’s office responsible for managing climate programs and modeling emissions for India for the Paris Climate Accord and with Vice President Al Gore in the U.S in his private office. I grew up as a child in a village in India which frequently faces issues of drinking water availability due to lack of rain every year. Those childhood experiences combined with my experiences in the Government of India where we were dealing with farmers committing suicides due to lack of rain, pushed to contribute to the problem of climate change.

What trends are you seeing in your industry?

1. Agriculture is going local, and the share of organic agriculture is increasing.
2. There is a premium associated with where the food comes from, was it grown using sustainable practices. 
3. There is increased concern among the policymakers and food companies about the nutrition security of the world and the resilience of the farmers respectively.

What is one action item we can all take away from your experience working in the Renewable Energy industry?

There is a nutrition pandemic happening in our backyard which is more intense and yet hidden caused by a combination of climate change, COVID, and industrialization of agriculture. We need a Green revolution 2.0 to be able to make a dent.

Going Green wants to thank Himanshu for sharing his vision for the future of Climate Change & Artificial Intelligence.

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