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Clean Energy Will Soon Be The Norm

white wind turbines on gray sand near body of water

Photo by Kervin Edward Lara on

Green.Org sits down with James Dodenhoff, Principal at Silent Running, shares his vision for a future that is integrated with clean energy. Silent Running helps firms adopt sustainable practices to mitigate climate change, while enhancing their competitiveness.

James, thank you for being here. Tell us a little bit about you and your background: 

I’ve worked in the Clean Energy Industry for over 20 years. My work is focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy advisory services for end users. I focus on hospital/health care, water/wastewater, and sports/hospitality vertical market segments. I’m based in CA and the majority of my work is in the Western U.S. See web site for additional details

What is a fun fact about you?

I am a fact-based and science-based guy.

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today? 

Climate change and sustainability is an important topic today because we (human beings) have created conditions that are existentially impacting the livability of our climate. Furthermore we are way behind in developing the sustainable practices that will enable future generations to live in a healthy and safe environment. Our Earth was here before us and will be here after we perish. What is at stake is the future well being of human beings.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

Clean Energy will be integrated into the fabric of all human activity and will not be considered a bolt-on or supporting service to “core industries”. The fruits of the clean energy industry will result in a heightened global awareness about climate change. Our thinking will evolve from an either/or to an optimized system that properly values different priorities like economic commerce and enviromental harm. Clean Energy will be a catalyst for regaining a sense of civic responsibility and global stewardship.

What can the average person do to make a difference? 

Use electrified transportation that is integrated with a clean grid. Learn to live indoors at 80 degrees in the summer and 65 degrees in the winter. Own and ride a bike. Think of the energy impacts of what you eat and change those habits to reflect more sustainable living (i.e. less ranch or farm grown animal product).

James, thank you for sharing your vision for the future of clean energy.

To listen to more leaders in cleantech, renewable energy, and sustainability, listen to The Green Podcast, hosted by Dylan Welch.

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