Green Media News

Bringing The Safest Air To Our Schools

people wearing backpacks
Photo by Stanley Morales on

As the world emerges from the COVID pandemic, we are still dealing with a lot of the side effects, including being more conscious of the air we breathe. Peter Cantone, the CEO of Pandemic Solutions, built a business that helps to provide schools the technology to bring the cleanest safest air to our young leaders.

Peter Cantone, the CEO of Pandemic Solutions

Peter, thank you for being here. Tell us a little bit about you and your background:

I’m entrepreneur that focuses on forward thinking technologies that meet and exceed challenges we face by offering pragmatic approaches whose performance and safety can be validated.

What is a fun fact about you?

I am the father of four amazing daughters.

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today?

The worlds population growth and finite resources are heading on a collision course. We need to put our time and energy into forward thinking technologies that are going to bring us the most value. Every dollar we invest should have the ability to bring us multiple layers of solutions.

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What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

Since we spend 90% of our lives indoors and we are coming off the heals of a pandemic, indoor air quality is something that everyone will have a much better understanding about because of the advancement in IAQ sensors collecting data that allows us to make the invisible visible. People will know if their child’s school, the office they walk into, and/or their home – has healthy indoor air. With that – they will have a much clearer understanding of products that actually perform – like tube ionization technology that proactively scrubs the air by generating healthy ions indoors. In addition to scrubbing the air better than alternative technologies like UV or portable filters, AtmosAir Solutions – a dielectric barrier discharge bi-polar ionization technology- meets ASHRAE 62.1 IAQ procedure which means that a building has the ability to reduce its outdoor air ventilation unto 50% or more which intern lowers its energy consumption – helping with sustainability and climate change. These are kinds of pragmatic solutions that offer real value for our future.

What can the average person do to make a difference?

The average person needs to understand the importance of thinking about more sustainable solutions that make pragmatic sense. Let’s not fall into the “ethanol is our next fuel source” society. They need to ask more questions, ask about technologies holding costs, ask about technologies life cycle, what happens at the end of that cycle, is it easy to maintain, etc.

Peter, thank you for sharing how you are helping to provide schools the technology to bring the cleanest safest air to our young leaders.

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