Green Media News

Branding Impact For Profit and Purpose

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Green Media News sat down with Jay Frank, CEO of Symbiotic, to learn how they built a platform where every transaction helps shift capitalism conscious. Symbiotic is Social Impact as a Service, the first and only branded social impact information technology (IT) distribution partner where procuring equals giving. Connecting motivated buyers looking for social impact and sustainability to sellers primed for profit and purpose over all addressable spend via channel sales.

Jay, thank you for being here. Tell us a little bit about you and your background:

I’m a family man, a citizen of the earth, of grit and mirth! I’m a very creative and fun native NY’er with business ideations that fit the moment of profit and purpose, social impact and sustainability for all.

What would you do with $1 Billion dollars?

Give out a stack of $100 bills daily to unassuming folks I encounter in my hometown of NYC, travel with friends and family, maybe take a seaplane to some awesome hot springs and rail travel exotic locations, have a tremendous TOGA party at the RITZ, fund sustainable business ventures, open a restaurant with a bandstand to operate out of, and continue to forge better outcomes for ALL…

Why do you think sustainability is such an important topic today?

It’s the only path we as a society can take to rebalance systematic breakdowns that have created the mess we’re in now.What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

Interconnected procurement and distribution platforms that connect most fitting solutions, with opportunities won on front end of requirement, featuring sustainable ones and always offering social impact. With technology evolution in blockchain, AI/ML to support such.

What can the average person do to make a difference?

Being conscious of decisions to forge better outcomes, in all aspects. Supporting others working towards change. All hands on deck, all systems check, all mediums too!

Jay wrote the unofficial theme song of Extinction Rebellion, MAYDAY. Check it out below.

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