Author: Dylan Welch

Dylan Welch is the CEO and Host of Going Green, a podcast, website, and social media brand that highlights renewable energy, cleantech, and sustainable news.

Am I the only one who sometimes fears the impending doom of Earth and feel like there is nothing we can do to stop it? Of course not, there are millions of us. Luckily, to stay positive and remind ourselves that good things are happening around the world, we put together this list of upbeat sustainable articles from around the world. The State of Maine has banned the use of styrofoam. Read More Here New York City and Los Angeles have both made “Green New Deals”. Read More Here The carbon emissions in the UK are the lowest they’ve been…

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Going Green was originally started as way to answer the question, “What can the average person do to make a difference?” The environment and climate change is a massive undertaking and can often feel overwhelming, but starting with little steps has already made a difference. The biggest and most important part on this journey has been education. Learning about what is happening, and what a person can do to make a difference is the first step. Here are a few things we have learned along the way, and the impact it has had. Eliminating the use of plastic bottles. This…

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Dylan Welch, Executive Producer of Going Green, and CEO of Dylan Welch Media, LLC. will be hosting free weekly coaching classes for companies and individuals in the sustainability industry to educate individuals how to use media, video, photos, podcasts, and news articles to help educate more people. Contact Dylan directly at to get a link to the free coaching calls.

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Going Green spent a few days discussing how to build smart cities and how to create communities that are more sustainable. Ricky Zollinger, host of Going Green, had the opportunity to interview Adam Beck. Check out Adam’s thoughts on the future of sustainable cities. This segment is part of episode two of Going Green, which will be available to stream on Amazon Prime in June. Currently episode one of Going Green is available to watch now on Amazon Prime.

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Going Green had the opportunity to meet Phil Bresnahan. Thank you for being here, Phil. Before we get started, what is your occupation? Where do you work? I am an Oceanographer and Engineer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego. Tell us a little bit about you and your background: My ultimate goal is to contribute to our understanding of marine chemistry in order to help protect the oceans for the good of those who rely on them (everyone!). I’m a research engineer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Head of Technology for the Smartfin Project. For Smartfin,…

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The cannabis industry is both controversial and profitable. For years, lawmakers struggled with the legalization of cannabis for tax purposes, while dealing with the stigma of making what was once considered a harmful drug available to the public. Slowly but surely, state by state cannabis would get legalized. First for medicinal purposes, than full legalization, and that’s when the money started rolling in. Here are a few fun facts about the economic impact of marijuana legalization: In 2015, Colorado collected more than $135 million in taxes and fees on medical and recreational marijuana. Sales in the state totaled over $996…

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“My motivation was and still is to leave a legacy and to leave a better world than we have today to my future children and for my nephews and nieces. We owe it to future generations to sort the mess we are in out.”

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Going Green had the opportunity to sit down with some experts at Smart Cities Week San Diego, which took place April 15-17th in downtown San Diego. The event was designed to bring together companies and individuals working towards creating more livable, workable and sustainable communities. Dylan Welch, Executive Producer and host of Going Green, was able to sit down with Qualcomm and Clean Tech San Diego to discuss upcoming trends in building sustainable cities. They are predicting a rise in electric vehicles, the IOT, and more and more cameras. Smart Cities Week will be featured in Episode Two of Going…

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The media industry, worth over $18 billion dollars a year, is constantly changing and evolving to fit consumer needs, with major corporations battling for marketshare. The media industry is extremely influential to the general public, as people are consuming content more than ever. When I say “media” I like to break it down into the following three categories, as they are all interconnected. Content – This includes the feature films, the television shows, the videos, the photos, the audio, and the text that is shared.Platforms – This includes everywhere that content is shared: Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Reddit, newspapers, magazines, blogs,…

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Going Green was started as a way to help educate the general public about making lifestyle changes to help combat climate change. While it is important to make changes in your life to eliminate single use plastics and cut down on emissions, it is also important to understand where most of the issue comes from. A tiny fraction of the businesses in the world account for a majority of all global emissions. Cutting down on using straws and plastic bags is important, but it won’t have nearly an impact on the output of these companies every single day. This is…

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Good friends of Going Green, Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation recently shared a segment of Going Green where their partner, RESOLVE, discusses their experience working with LDF. Watch RESOLVE’s founder, Eric Dinerstein’s interview on Going Green where he discusses his experience working with Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and National Geographic. Leonardo DiCaprio’s documentary Before The Flood came out in 2016, documenting how climate change affects our environment and what society can do to prevent the demise of endangered species, ecosystems and native communities across the planet.

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Everyday more evidence comes out from leading scientists and organizations about the effects climate change has on the world. We are all individual humans, and sometimes it seems like too large of a task to tackle, yet at the same time we all want to make a difference. Here are a few ways you can get involved. 1. Vote The most important thing we can do as individuals is to vote for politicians who want to enact laws and restrictions to prevent further damage. Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are examples of two politicians who are very outspoken about…

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