Green Media News

Empowering Individuals to Grow Their Business

Joy England Green Media News
Joy England, CEO of Advocates In Action, and Podcast host

Green Media News sat down with Joy England, CEO of Advocates In Action, and Podcast host, to learn about how Advocates In Action is empowering individuals through online courses, coaching, and employment services. 

Joy, thanks for being here. Tell us a little bit about you and your background:

I am a CEO, minister, author and podcaster. I have dedicated my career to advocacy and social justice. As an advocate I have supported the communities of the marginalized, under heard and largely under served. Both personally and professionally I am on a mission to empower everyone to embrace their stories’ by sharing their voice with the world.

What would you do with $1 Billion dollars?

I would use that resource to build systems to address the roots of income insecurity and homelessness. I would create free resources for those who are looking to overcome generational poverty, abuse and neglect. Money is a resource, just like our voices and dreams are. With $1 Billion dollars thousands of people could see their lives turned into what they dreamed of and not what history or society says it should be.

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today?

Because it is an inescapable impact to every human. It is hard to put your head in the sand now and not see the damage we have caused the planet. It is also impossible to realize that there are things we can do to change the habits that have depleted the planet. No one is immune from the climate changes, we are impacted on some level. There is also now, thankfully, much more of a public outcry to join forces to utilize and innovate sustainability measures.

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What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

I pray that my industry in 10 years looks like more advocates than there is adversity, more justice than systemic injustice, and more equality where there is profound oppression. As and advocate for justice, there is so much work that is still needed in order to see the hands of justice turn towards equity. I do believe it is possible; hope is always there, change is always an option, and if we choose to put love above hate we can achieve a greatness the freedom fighters of our past and present dream of.

What can the average person do to make a difference?

Be present. Make the intentional decision to be aware, be consistent in doing the things within their own sphere of influence to push for change. Be the example of kindness, and responsively. One person cant reverse the climate damage, or create sustainability fr us all. Just like one person can’t eradicate systemic injustice, but one person can use their voice to impart empowerment into their families, communities and workplaces.

Joy, thank you for sharing how you are empowering individuals through online courses, coaching, and employment services. 

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